Mosaic Church began meeting to pray and worship in January of 2017. Our first few months of worship were spent in the barn of Jeff & Jackie Badders. This was a sweet season for many of our people, who were walking through a season of redirection. We were beginning a journey of discovering and committing ourselves to the core expressions of what it means to be Christ’s Church. In these months, God drew near to us and we drew near to Him. We worshiped and prayed in the simplicity of a barn. We learned that production and principles were secondary to His nearness and His way of life. After months of prayer and seeking the Lord’s direction, Nacogdoches ISD agreed to allow Mosaic to meet on Sundays at McMichael Middle School. Mosaic moved to McMichael and began to worship on Easter Sunday, 2017. During the Covid Pandemic, Mosaic, like many other churches, faced a set of obstacles that would shape our future. We lost our ability to gather at McMichael and began searching for a long term home. It was during this time that Mosaic encountered another church in a similar situation and began to seek the Lord regarding the possibility of a merger between two churches. In August of 2021 Mosaic Church merged with Oak Grove Baptist Church and a new season of growth and stability began. God truly has, in many ways, pieced the broken together to make something beautiful.


        • We believe that the Bible is the inspired Word of God. It is accurate, trustworthy, authoritative, and sufficient for salvation. It is the final authority in belief and practice for the life of the believer.


          (2 Tim. 3:16; 2 Pet. 1:20-21; Psalm 12:6; Psalm 119:105,160; Prov. 30:5; Romans 15:4. 16:25-26; 1 Thess. 2:13)



        • We Believe in one God, Creator of all things, eternally existing in three distinct persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are co-eternal, of equal dignity and power, each with different roles in creation and in the life of the believer.


          (Gen. 1:1, 26-27 ; Gen. 3:22; Psalm 90:2; Matt. 28:19; 1 Corinthians 8:6; Col. 1:17; 1 Pet. 1:2)


        • We believe that sin has broken our intended relationship with God and separated us from His presence and purpose for our lives.

          (Gen. 2:17, Isaiah 59:1-2; Romans 1:18-32; Romans 6:23; 2 These 1:8-9; Romans 3:23-24)


        • We believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, the eternal Son of God, who became man; born of a virgin, conceived by the Holy Spirit. He lived a perfect life, and died in our place, so that we can be reconciled to God, made holy by His blood, and adopted into His family as sons and daughters. We believe that He was crucified, buried, and three days later rose from the grave, defeating death and giving us new life. We believe that our redemption and salvation are guaranteed by His literal, physical resurrection from the dead; and that He alone is our means of salvation, life and meaning.

          We believe that Jesus is the visible image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation, the Creator and sustainer of heaven and earth, and the Head of the Church. We believe that He is now physically present in heaven, exalted to the right hand of God the Father where, as High Priest to His people, He serves as our advocate and intercedes for us.


          (John 3:16; Matt. 1:22-23; Isaiah 9:6; Isaiah 53; John 1:1-5; Romans 1:3-4; Acts 1:9-11, Col. 2:9; 1 Tim. 6:14-15, Romans 8:34; 1 John 2:1; Hebrews 7:25) 

        • We believe that we receive salvation, the forgiveness of our sins and reconciliation to God, by grace through faith in Jesus. We believe that Jesus died for the sins of the world, and that all who believe in Him are declared righteous by His blood, and are therefore sons and daughters forever in right relationship with God. We believe salvation is more than just Heaven later but it is a full and free life now.


          (Eph. 2:8-9; John 2:25; John 3:16; Matt. 25:32-46; 1John 5:11-13; Heb. 9:15; Gal. 3:26; Gen. 3:15; Romans 3:10,23)

        • We believe that life on earth is to be lived by the power of the Holy Spirit, who indwells all believers, bringing conviction and power over sin, while enabling them to live set apart, transformed lives marked by freedom, love, rest and power in Christ.


          (John 14:16-17; John 16:7-14; Acts 1:8; 1 Cor. 2:10-14; 1 Cor. 3:16; 2 Cor. 3:17; Eph. 1:13-14; Gal. 5:25; Romans 8)

        • We believe that all humanity is created in the image of God, and therefore possess intrinsic dignity and worth. Therefore all mankind ought to be treated with grace and respect. We believe that sin has broken our relationship to God and made us unable to reflect Him in the earth as He intended. We believe that God, in an act of pure love, committed Himself to restoring human beings through His Son Jesus, and has committed to use restored humans in His eternal purposes.

          (Gen. 1:27; 1 Cor. 15:50-58; Eph. 2:11-22; Matt. 16:17-19) 

        • We believe that Jesus is coming back to heal all that’s wrong on the earth. That He will physically return to establish His kingdom, bringing the full unification of Heaven and Earth. He will bring justice and finally do away with the spiritual forces of darkness and the portion of humanity that rejects Him and chooses to follow them to their appointed end. Jesus will give eternal life to those who have placed their faith in him, where they will live with Him forever in perfect glorified bodies; and establish a place where sin, death, and pain will be no more.


          (John 17:15-18; Luke 10:2-3; Matt. 28:18-19; Heb. 12:1-3; John 16:33; Rev. 11:15; Acts 13:13-52)

        • These are the beliefs that make us distinct, the areas where we’ve decided to stand as a Church that might differ from others. These Doctrinal Distinctives are areas of importance that are intrinsically tied to what we do and who we are at MOSAIC.


        These are the actions and attitudes that inform the practices of our faith.

        These pillars are anchored by and built upon our Foundational Beliefs and are the defining characteristics of who we are and who we present ourselves to be. These pillars give expectations around how God relates to us, and our response to Him.

          • The Gospel that Jesus preached was the good news that this world with all its brokenness and incompleteness is now in a process of restoration. This is made possible by Jesus’ perfect life as man, His sacrificial death for mankind and His ascension to God’s right hand where He sits as the rightful ruler over creation. Beautifully His reign is extended and completed through a renewed human race that is whole in every sense of the word. In this way Jesus is not just forgiving sins, He is also redeeming our past, restoring our families, rejuvenating our bodies and healing our minds.

            (Romans 1:16-17; 8:14-15, Colossians 1:13, Matt. 6:33, Ps 103:2-10)


          • We are not waiting to leave Earth. We are not waiting for Earth’s cataclysmic end. Rather we embrace the invitation to co-labor with Jesus, extending His love and life-giving reign here on Earth. We are images of God Himself. When we operate by the order and design of God’s Kingdom we increasingly reflect Heaven here on Earth.

            (1 Cor 1:9; 3:9-11, 2 Cor 6:1, Phil 2:12-13, Gen 2:7, 1 John 1:7, Eph 5:22-33)


          • The first words that God spoke following the creation of humanity was a blessing to fill the Earth and flourish upon it. Though sin and evil have distorted that blessing, God has repeatedly sought a people who would walk in His ways and flourish in His blessing. Jesus revealed that message in His teachings and embodied that message in His actions. Even now He has entrusted that message to His Church. He has delegated to His followers the authority to extend blessing, and as we practice that in word and deed we see His heart unfold in reality. We consider it an essential privilege that can be exercised in any moment and in any relationship.

            (Gen 1:28, Deut. 28:8,12; 30:9, Ps 67, Nu. 6:34-36, Jere 29:11, 2 Cor 9:8)


          • The crucifixion of Jesus and the giving of God’s Spirit was to establish us as His sons and daughters. His decision to adopt us into His Family through Jesus demonstrates His great love for us and validates our existence beyond our practical usefulness. As we make time in our day to prayerfully interact with God, He consistently reveals His Fatherly affections to us personally. To experientially know the height, length, width and depth of a love that surpasses understanding is His desire. It is the experience of that love that makes us whole and full.

            (1 John 4:7-19; Eph. 1:3-14; Psalm 92; Romans 5:1-11)

          • God has spoken through the Scriptures, through His Son, and continues to speak through His Spirit. God’s voice began all of creation, sustains life, and continues to direct and empower His Church for the restoration of all creation. Maintaining hunger for His Word is a discipline we cultivate together; freedom, correction, reconciliation and wisdom are born from an eager pursuit of what God says about anything and everything.

            (1 Peter 2:1-3; Matt. 5:6; Psalm 19; Jeremiah 15:16)

          • We feast and we fast with our whole hearts, we work hard and rest diligently. Jesus shows us that fruitfulness is the product of abiding in Him not laboring for Him, therefore, we order our lives to prioritize prayer and God’s presence. Even as the demands of the day clamor for our attention our trust in Him is the foundation of our confidence and the fuel of our labor.

            (Zechariah 4:6; Mark 11:22-24)